Thursday, August 24, 2006


This is my first blog, I am new at this and I am not sure who will be reading, this. I would email these thoughts to my friends but many people might not want to hear an email from me about what I think is wrong or right in my world. The one thing that I believe to be a Universal truth is that human beings do not remember when they are being inconsiderate or have been inconsiderate. However, they are quick to point out when someone else is being inconsiderate. I am not sure what causes this, or why people are so quick to point it out. Is it home training? Is it because these people think they are always right? I am not sure what it is but, when I see it, it bothers me to no end.
For the past year I have been living in a close knit community with about 3sq ft of living space and another 10sq ft of common area. So if someone is 6 foot tall and watching TV with their legs stretched out, it makes it really hard for the rest of the people in the area to do anything at all besides lay in their bunk. So then I moved the TV, and when I was questioned as to why I moved the TV I received flak. I should not have moved the TV because it was fine where it was and not in the way of anything. Another person decides that he is going to watch the TV with headphones in and since he was watching TV first we just have to deal with it, and no he will not unplug his headphones. He has a personal DVD player but he wanted to use the only TV in the area for his personal use.
Please think about what in the world is around you before you start to claim stuff for your own. This is my first Blog I am sure there will be more in the future, about what....well, what I think.


At 8/30/2006 7:11 PM , Blogger Carl said...

Some people think stealing other people's style is inconsiderate, but I take it as the highest form of flattery.
The rough part with being considerate is that people take it for a sign a weakess. As flawed as that logic is, it seems those same people think that being inconsiderate is a sign of their own strength. It seems to me though that the strongest person is the one who can stand up for whats right against someone inconsideration, and can do so with out being an ass themselves. I was at a place where they only have a one person bathroom and there was a line. This dude rolled up walked to front of the door and started yelling at the guy in the bathroom to get out. The person infront of this guy told this douche off and it was one of the ballsiest things I've really seen in nyc since I've been here. After that the douche bag rolled right out. It was kind of cool.


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